AgentsCourt: Building Judicial Decision-Making Agents with Court Debate Simulation and Legal Knowledge Augmentation


(2) SimuCourt は、最も一般的な 3 種類の司法事件にわたる 420 件の中国の判決文書を網羅する司法ベンチマークです。
さらに、このタスクをサポートするために、マルチリソースの法律知識を備えた大規模な法律知識ベース Legal-KB を構築します。
(3) 広範な実験により、私たちのフレームワークは、特に法的記事の生成において、さまざまな側面で既存の高度な手法より優れていることが示されており、私たちのモデルは、一審設定と二審設定でそれぞれ 8.6% と 9.1% の F1 スコアの大幅な改善を達成しました。


With the development of deep learning, natural language processing technology has effectively improved the efficiency of various aspects of the traditional judicial industry. However, most current efforts focus on tasks within individual judicial stages, making it difficult to handle complex tasks that span multiple stages. As the autonomous agents powered by large language models are becoming increasingly smart and able to make complex decisions in real-world settings, offering new insights for judicial intelligence. In this paper, (1) we propose a novel multi-agent framework, AgentsCourt, for judicial decision-making. Our framework follows the classic court trial process, consisting of court debate simulation, legal resources retrieval and decision-making refinement to simulate the decision-making of judge. (2) we introduce SimuCourt, a judicial benchmark that encompasses 420 Chinese judgment documents, spanning the three most common types of judicial cases. Furthermore, to support this task, we construct a large-scale legal knowledge base, Legal-KB, with multi-resource legal knowledge. (3) Extensive experiments show that our framework outperforms the existing advanced methods in various aspects, especially in generating legal articles, where our model achieves significant improvements of 8.6% and 9.1% F1 score in the first and second instance settings, respectively.


著者 Zhitao He,Pengfei Cao,Chenhao Wang,Zhuoran Jin,Yubo Chen,Jiexin Xu,Huaijun Li,Xiaojian Jiang,Kang Liu,Jun Zhao
発行日 2024-08-30 05:54:15+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL パーマリンク