FRRI: a novel algorithm for fuzzy-rough rule induction


ランダム フォレストやニューラル ネットワークのようなブラック ボックス モデルとは対照的に、ホワイト ボックス モデルを探索する場合、ルールは人間が容易に理解できるため、ルール誘導アルゴリズムは論理的で有望なオプションです。
QuickRules\cite{JensenCornelis2009} アルゴリズムは、ルール帰納法にファジー ラフ集合理論を使用する最初の試みでした。
これは、意思決定の削減を構築するための貪欲なアルゴリズムである QuickReduct に基づいています。
QuickRules は、他のルール誘導方法よりも優れていることがすでに示されています。
この論文では、Fuzzy Rough Rule Induction (FRRI) と呼ばれる新しいルール誘導アルゴリズムを紹介します。


Interpretability is the next frontier in machine learning research. In the search for white box models – as opposed to black box models, like random forests or neural networks – rule induction algorithms are a logical and promising option, since the rules can easily be understood by humans. Fuzzy and rough set theory have been successfully applied to this archetype, almost always separately. As both approaches to rule induction involve granular computing based on the concept of equivalence classes, it is natural to combine them. The QuickRules\cite{JensenCornelis2009} algorithm was a first attempt at using fuzzy rough set theory for rule induction. It is based on QuickReduct, a greedy algorithm for building decision reducts. QuickRules already showed an improvement over other rule induction methods. However, to evaluate the full potential of a fuzzy rough rule induction algorithm, one needs to start from the foundations. In this paper, we introduce a novel rule induction algorithm called Fuzzy Rough Rule Induction (FRRI). We provide background and explain the workings of our algorithm. Furthermore, we perform a computational experiment to evaluate the performance of our algorithm and compare it to other state-of-the-art rule induction approaches. We find that our algorithm is more accurate while creating small rulesets consisting of relatively short rules. We end the paper by outlining some directions for future work.


著者 Henri Bollaert,Marko Palangetić,Chris Cornelis,Salvatore Greco,Roman Słowiński
発行日 2024-08-29 11:28:10+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG パーマリンク