DECAF: a Discrete-Event based Collaborative Human-Robot Framework for Furniture Assembly


一方、タスク プランナーは、協働ロボットの最適なアクションを事後的に計算し、組み立てタスク全体を可能な限り最小限の時間で効率的に完了します。
私たちはこの問題を、さまざまな非同期動作、人間の考え方の変化、確率的事象としての障害回復を組み込んだ包括的なフレームワークである離散事象マルコフ決定問題 (DE-MDP) として形式化します。
実験は、シミュレーションと実際のシステムの両方で行われ、人間の被験者が 7-DoF マニピュレータと協力して椅子を組み立てました。


This paper proposes a task planning framework for collaborative Human-Robot scenarios, specifically focused on assembling complex systems such as furniture. The human is characterized as an uncontrollable agent, implying for example that the agent is not bound by a pre-established sequence of actions and instead acts according to its own preferences. Meanwhile, the task planner computes reactively the optimal actions for the collaborative robot to efficiently complete the entire assembly task in the least time possible. We formalize the problem as a Discrete Event Markov Decision Problem (DE-MDP), a comprehensive framework that incorporates a variety of asynchronous behaviors, human change of mind and failure recovery as stochastic events. Although the problem could theoretically be addressed by constructing a graph of all possible actions, such an approach would be constrained by computational limitations. The proposed formulation offers an alternative solution utilizing Reinforcement Learning to derive an optimal policy for the robot. Experiments where conducted both in simulation and on a real system with human subjects assembling a chair in collaboration with a 7-DoF manipulator.


著者 Giulio Giacomuzzo,Matteo Terreran,Siddarth Jain,Diego Romeres
発行日 2024-08-28 20:26:32+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク