A Catalog of Fairness-Aware Practices in Machine Learning Engineering


ソフトウェア エンジニアリング コミュニティは、公平性を重視した指標、実証研究、アプローチを開発することで対応してきました。
この研究では、既存の文献から 28 の実践を特定して分類し、それらを機械学習ライフサイクルのさまざまな段階にマッピングしています。
このカタログから、著者はソフトウェア エンジニアリングの研究者と実務者の両方にとって実行可能な項目と影響を抽出します。


Machine learning’s widespread adoption in decision-making processes raises concerns about fairness, particularly regarding the treatment of sensitive features and potential discrimination against minorities. The software engineering community has responded by developing fairness-oriented metrics, empirical studies, and approaches. However, there remains a gap in understanding and categorizing practices for engineering fairness throughout the machine learning lifecycle. This paper presents a novel catalog of practices for addressing fairness in machine learning derived from a systematic mapping study. The study identifies and categorizes 28 practices from existing literature, mapping them onto different stages of the machine learning lifecycle. From this catalog, the authors extract actionable items and implications for both researchers and practitioners in software engineering. This work aims to provide a comprehensive resource for integrating fairness considerations into the development and deployment of machine learning systems, enhancing their reliability, accountability, and credibility.


著者 Gianmario Voria,Giulia Sellitto,Carmine Ferrara,Francesco Abate,Andrea De Lucia,Filomena Ferrucci,Gemma Catolino,Fabio Palomba
発行日 2024-08-29 16:28:43+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, cs.SE パーマリンク