3D Whole-body Grasp Synthesis with Directional Controllability


物体をリアルに把握する 3D 全身の合成は、アニメーション、複合現実、ロボット工学に役立ちます。
相互、掴んだ物体、およびローカルシーン (つまり、物体を支持する容器)。
私たちは、CWGrasp と呼ばれる新しい方法でこれらに取り組みます。
この目的を達成するために、CWGrasp はまず、オブジェクトからのレイキャストと衝突チェックによって構築された確率モデルから、妥当な到達方向ベクトル (後で腕と手の両方に使用されます) をサンプリングします。
最終的に、CWGrasp は、シーンにもっともらしく接触しながら、「導く」手に適合するようにボディを改良します。
さらに、CWGrasp は右手と左手の両方の握りに独自に取り組みます。
GRAB および ReplicaGrasp データセットで評価します。
CWGrasp は、すべてのコンポーネントがパフォーマンスを向上させながら、より低い実行時間と予算でベースラインを上回るパフォーマンスを発揮します。


Synthesizing 3D whole-bodies that realistically grasp objects is useful for animation, mixed reality, and robotics. This is challenging, because the hands and body need to look natural w.r.t. each other, the grasped object, as well as the local scene (i.e., a receptacle supporting the object). Only recent work tackles this, with a divide-and-conquer approach; it first generates a ‘guiding’ right-hand grasp, and then searches for bodies that match this. However, the guiding-hand synthesis lacks controllability and receptacle awareness, so it likely has an implausible direction (i.e., a body can’t match this without penetrating the receptacle) and needs corrections through major post-processing. Moreover, the body search needs exhaustive sampling and is expensive. These are strong limitations. We tackle these with a novel method called CWGrasp. Our key idea is that performing geometry-based reasoning ‘early on,’ instead of ‘too late,’ provides rich ‘control’ signals for inference. To this end, CWGrasp first samples a plausible reaching-direction vector (used later for both the arm and hand) from a probabilistic model built via raycasting from the object and collision checking. Then, it generates a reaching body with a desired arm direction, as well as a ‘guiding’ grasping hand with a desired palm direction that complies with the arm’s one. Eventually, CWGrasp refines the body to match the ‘guiding’ hand, while plausibly contacting the scene. Notably, generating already-compatible ‘parts’ greatly simplifies the ‘whole.’ Moreover, CWGrasp uniquely tackles both right- and left-hand grasps. We evaluate on the GRAB and ReplicaGrasp datasets. CWGrasp outperforms baselines, at lower runtime and budget, while all components help performance. Code and models will be released.


著者 Georgios Paschalidis,Romana Wilschut,Dimitrije Antić,Omid Taheri,Dimitrios Tzionas
発行日 2024-08-29 17:59:54+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.RO パーマリンク