Tackling GenAI Copyright Issues: Originality Estimation and Genericization


生成 AI 技術の急速な進歩は著作権に関する重大な懸念を引き起こし、AI 開発者に対して多数の訴訟が起こされています。
実際の実装として、汎用化手法と既存の緩和手法を組み合わせた PREGen を紹介します。
さらに、生成モデルでは、名前がプロンプトで直接言及されていない場合でも、著作権で保護された文字を生成することがありますが、PREGen は、このような場合、そのような文字の生成をほぼ完全に阻止します。


The rapid progress of generative AI technology has sparked significant copyright concerns, leading to numerous lawsuits filed against AI developers. While various techniques for mitigating copyright issues have been studied, significant risks remain. Here, we propose a genericization method that modifies the outputs of a generative model to make them more generic and less likely to infringe copyright. To achieve this, we introduce a metric for quantifying the level of originality of data in a manner that is consistent with the legal framework. This metric can be practically estimated by drawing samples from a generative model, which is then used for the genericization process. As a practical implementation, we introduce PREGen, which combines our genericization method with an existing mitigation technique. Experiments demonstrate that our genericization method successfully modifies the output of a text-to-image generative model so that it produces more generic, copyright-compliant images. Compared to the existing method, PREGen reduces the likelihood of generating copyrighted characters by more than half when the names of copyrighted characters are used as the prompt, dramatically improving the performance. Additionally, while generative models can produce copyrighted characters even when their names are not directly mentioned in the prompt, PREGen almost entirely prevents the generation of such characters in these cases.


著者 Hiroaki Chiba-Okabe,Weijie J. Su
発行日 2024-08-26 17:12:07+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG, stat.AP, stat.ME, stat.ML パーマリンク