How Diffusion Models Learn to Factorize and Compose


拡散モデルは、トレーニング セットに一緒に表示されない可能性が高い要素を組み合わせたフォトリアリスティックな画像を生成でき、構成的に一般化できることを示しています。
私たちは、さまざまな形式の 2D ガウス データを生成するようにトレーニングされた条件付きノイズ除去拡散確率モデル (DDPM) に対して広範な制御実験を実行しました。
私たちの実験結果はさらに、拡散モデルが少数の構成例で構成性を達成できることを実証し、DDPM をトレーニングするより効率的な方法を示唆しています。


Diffusion models are capable of generating photo-realistic images that combine elements which likely do not appear together in the training set, demonstrating the ability to compositionally generalize. Nonetheless, the precise mechanism of compositionality and how it is acquired through training remains elusive. Inspired by cognitive neuroscientific approaches, we consider a highly reduced setting to examine whether and when diffusion models learn semantically meaningful and factorized representations of composable features. We performed extensive controlled experiments on conditional Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPMs) trained to generate various forms of 2D Gaussian data. We found that the models learn factorized but not fully continuous manifold representations for encoding continuous features of variation underlying the data. With such representations, models demonstrate superior feature compositionality but limited ability to interpolate over unseen values of a given feature. Our experimental results further demonstrate that diffusion models can attain compositionality with few compositional examples, suggesting a more efficient way to train DDPMs. Finally, we connect manifold formation in diffusion models to percolation theory in physics, offering insight into the sudden onset of factorized representation learning. Our thorough toy experiments thus contribute a deeper understanding of how diffusion models capture compositional structure in data.


著者 Qiyao Liang,Ziming Liu,Mitchell Ostrow,Ila Fiete
発行日 2024-08-23 17:59:03+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV, cs.LG パーマリンク