Do Mistakes Matter? Comparing Trust Responses of Different Age Groups to Errors Made by Physically Assistive Robots


これを調査するために、参加者が入浴と食事という 2 つの異なるタスクを実行する際に、時折意図的な間違いを犯す身体支援ロボットと対話する実験を実施しました。
私たちの研究では、大学にいる若年層(年齢中央値 26 歳)と自立生活施設にいる高齢者(年齢中央値 83 歳)という 2 つの母集団のエラー反応を考慮しました。
コードと補足資料はプロジェクトの Web ページから入手できます。


Trust is a key factor in ensuring acceptable human-robot interaction, especially in settings where robots may be assisting with critical activities of daily living. When practically deployed, robots are bound to make occasional mistakes, yet the degree to which these errors will impact a care recipient’s trust in the robot, especially in performing physically assistive tasks, remains an open question. To investigate this, we conducted experiments where participants interacted with physically assistive robots which would occasionally make intentional mistakes while performing two different tasks: bathing and feeding. Our study considered the error response of two populations: younger adults at a university (median age 26) and older adults at an independent living facility (median age 83). We observed that the impact of errors on a users’ trust in the robot depends on both their age and the task that the robot is performing. We also found that older adults tend to evaluate the robot on factors unrelated to the robot’s performance, making their trust in the system more resilient to errors when compared to younger adults. Code and supplementary materials are available on our project webpage.


著者 Sasha Wald,Kavya Puthuveetil,Zackory Erickson
発行日 2024-08-23 15:23:56+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク