Self-Supervised Disentanglement by Leveraging Structure in Data Augmentations


これに対処するために、現在のアプローチでは、ImageNet オブジェクト分類などの特定のタスクに合わせて不変度を調整することによって、スタイル情報を保持しようとしています。
重要なアイデアは、複数のスタイル埋め込みスペースを追加することです。(i) それぞれは、1 つを除くすべての拡張に対して不変です。
(ii) 結合エントロピーが最大化される。


Self-supervised representation learning often uses data augmentations to induce some invariance to ‘style’ attributes of the data. However, with downstream tasks generally unknown at training time, it is difficult to deduce a priori which attributes of the data are indeed ‘style’ and can be safely discarded. To deal with this, current approaches try to retain some style information by tuning the degree of invariance to some particular task, such as ImageNet object classification. However, prior work has shown that such task-specific tuning can lead to significant performance degradation on other tasks that rely on the discarded style. To address this, we introduce a more principled approach that seeks to disentangle style features rather than discard them. The key idea is to add multiple style embedding spaces where: (i) each is invariant to all-but-one augmentation; and (ii) joint entropy is maximized. We formalize our structured data-augmentation procedure from a causal latent-variable-model perspective, and prove identifiability of both content and individual style variables. We empirically demonstrate the benefits of our approach on both synthetic and real-world data.


著者 Cian Eastwood,Julius von Kügelgen,Linus Ericsson,Diane Bouchacourt,Pascal Vincent,Bernhard Schölkopf,Mark Ibrahim
発行日 2024-08-20 15:33:12+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV, cs.LG, stat.ML パーマリンク