More Options for Prelabor Rupture of Membranes, A Bayesian Analysis


分娩中の母親の産科目標は、大掛かりな腹部手術 (帝王切開など) に伴うリスクを軽減する経膣分娩を達成することです。
しかし、陣痛前駆膜破水(PROM)の患者には、子宮頸部の成熟に関して一般的に使用される選択肢はピトシンとミソプロストールの 2 つだけです。
PROM 患者に対するこれら 2 つの重要な薬剤の利点とリスクに関する研究はほとんどありません。
ほとんどの分娩誘発関連研究の主な制限は、産科診療で患者に提供される次の分娩誘発剤を決定するために一般的に使用される \textit{Bishop スコア} の違いを説明できないことです。
この研究では、専門の医師の情報に基づく関連要因間の関係のベイジアン モデルを使用して、交絡変数を実際の影響から分離します。


An obstetric goal for a laboring mother is to achieve a vaginal delivery as it reduces the risks inherent in major abdominal surgery (i.e., a Cesarean section). Various medical interventions may be used by a physician to increase the likelihood of this occurring while minimizing maternal and fetal morbidity. However, patients with prelabor rupture of membranes (PROM) have only two commonly used options for cervical ripening, Pitocin and misoprostol. Little research exists on the benefits/risks for these two key drugs for PROM patients. A major limitation with most induction-of-labor related research is the inability to account for differences in \textit{Bishop scores} that are commonly used in obstetrical practice to determine the next induction agent offered to the patient. This creates a confounding factor, which biases the results, but has not been realized in the literature. In this work, we use a Bayesian model of the relationships between the relevant factors, informed by expert physicians, to separate the confounding variable from its actual impact. In doing so, we provide strong evidence that pitocin and buccal misoprostol are equally effective and safe; thus, physicians have more choice in clinical care than previously realized. This is particularly important for developing countries where neither medication may be readily available, and prior guidelines may create an artificial barrier to needed medication.


著者 Ashley Klein,Edward Raff,Elisabeth Seamon,Lily Foley,Timothy Bussert
発行日 2024-08-20 14:05:25+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, stat.AP パーマリンク