これは便利なアプリケーションであり、データのプロットが言語の基礎を提供するため、NLP 研究にとって魅力的なアプリケーションです。
このペーパーは、ベンチマーク データセットとパブリック リポジトリのコードを比較する実証研究を通じて、その質問に答えることを目的としています。
Large language models are able to generate code for visualisations in response to user requests. This is a useful application, and an appealing one for NLP research because plots of data provide grounding for language. However, there are relatively few benchmarks, and it is unknown whether those that exist are representative of what people do in practice. This paper aims to answer that question through an empirical study comparing benchmark datasets and code from public repositories. Our findings reveal a substantial gap in datasets, with evaluations not testing the same distribution of chart types, attributes, and the number of actions. The only representative dataset requires modification to become an end-to-end and practical benchmark. This shows that new, more benchmarks are needed to support the development of systems that truly address users’ visualisation needs. These observations will guide future data creation, highlighting which features hold genuine significance for users.
著者 | Hy Nguyen,Xuefei He,Andrew Reeson,Cecile Paris,Josiah Poon,Jonathan K. Kummerfeld |
発行日 | 2024-08-15 07:26:26+00:00 |
arxivサイト | arxiv_id(pdf) |
提供元, 利用サービス
arxiv.jp, Google