Robust online reconstruction of continuous-time signals from a lean spike train ensemble code


スパイク列から信号再構築に至るまで、逆問題に対する閉じた形式の解は、シフトされたカーネル関数のヒルベルト空間で導出され、一般化された有限イノベーション率 (FRI) クラスの信号のスパース表現が保証されます。
大規模な音声データセットの実験では、ナイキスト レートの 5 分の 1 という低いスパイク レートでも優れた再構成精度が実証され、低スパイク レート領域では最先端のスパース コーディング技術と比較して明らかな競争上の優位性が示されています。


Sensory stimuli in animals are encoded into spike trains by neurons, offering advantages such as sparsity, energy efficiency, and high temporal resolution. This paper presents a signal processing framework that deterministically encodes continuous-time signals into biologically feasible spike trains, and addresses the questions about representable signal classes and reconstruction bounds. The framework considers encoding of a signal through spike trains generated by an ensemble of neurons using a convolve-then-threshold mechanism with various convolution kernels. A closed-form solution to the inverse problem, from spike trains to signal reconstruction, is derived in the Hilbert space of shifted kernel functions, ensuring sparse representation of a generalized Finite Rate of Innovation (FRI) class of signals. Additionally, inspired by real-time processing in biological systems, an efficient iterative version of the optimal reconstruction is formulated that considers only a finite window of past spikes, ensuring robustness of the technique to ill-conditioned encoding; convergence guarantees of the windowed reconstruction to the optimal solution are then provided. Experiments on a large audio dataset demonstrate excellent reconstruction accuracy at spike rates as low as one-fifth of the Nyquist rate, while showing clear competitive advantage in comparison to state-of-the-art sparse coding techniques in the low spike rate regime.


著者 Anik Chattopadhyay,Arunava Banerjee
発行日 2024-08-14 16:43:36+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.NE, cs.SD, eess.AS パーマリンク