Unified Discrete Diffusion for Categorical Data


離散時間離散拡散はしばらく確立されてきましたが、Campbell らによって確立されたのはつい最近のことです。
(2022) 連続時間離散拡散のための最初のフレームワークを導入しました。
実験の結果、私たちが提案した USD3 (Unified Simplified Discrete Denoising Diffusion 用) が、確立されたデータセット上のすべての SOTA ベースラインよりも優れたパフォーマンスを示すことが示されています。
統合コードは https://github.com/LingxiaoShawn/USD3 でオープンソース化されています。


Discrete diffusion models have seen a surge of attention with applications on naturally discrete data such as language and graphs. Although discrete-time discrete diffusion has been established for a while, only recently Campbell et al. (2022) introduced the first framework for continuous-time discrete diffusion. However, their training and sampling processes differ significantly from the discrete-time version, necessitating nontrivial approximations for tractability. In this paper, we first present a series of mathematical simplifications of the variational lower bound that enable more accurate and easy-to-optimize training for discrete diffusion. In addition, we derive a simple formulation for backward denoising that enables exact and accelerated sampling, and importantly, an elegant unification of discrete-time and continuous-time discrete diffusion. Thanks to simpler analytical formulations, both forward and now also backward probabilities can flexibly accommodate any noise distribution, including different noise distributions for multi-element objects. Experiments show that our proposed USD3 (for Unified Simplified Discrete Denoising Diffusion) outperform all SOTA baselines on established datasets. We open-source our unified code at https://github.com/LingxiaoShawn/USD3.


著者 Lingxiao Zhao,Xueying Ding,Lijun Yu,Leman Akoglu
発行日 2024-08-12 16:22:38+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, stat.ML パーマリンク