Parallel transport on matrix manifolds and Exponential Action


特に、サイズ $n\times d$ の直交行列のシュティーフェル多様体の場合、時間 0 から $t$ まで測地線に沿った並列輸送の式を与えます。これは、時間計算量 $O(nd^
2) 小さい $t$ の場合は $、大きい t の場合は $O(td^3)$ であり、行列多様体における長年の未解決の問題の一歩に貢献します。


We express parallel transport for several common matrix Lie groups with a family of pseudo-Riemannian metrics in terms of matrix exponential and exponential actions. The expression for parallel transport is preserved by taking the quotient under certain scenarios. In particular, for a Stiefel manifold of orthogonal matrices of size $n\times d$, we give an expression for parallel transport along a geodesic from time zero to $t$, that could be computed with time complexity of $O(nd^2)$ for small $t$, and of $O(td^3)$ for large t, contributing a step in a long-standing open problem in matrix manifolds. A similar result holds for flag manifolds with the canonical metric. We also show the parallel transport formulas for the generalized linear group, and the special orthogonal group under these metrics.


著者 Du Nguyen,Stefan Sommer
発行日 2024-08-12 11:00:04+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: 15A16, 15A18, 15B10, 22E70, 51F25, 53C80, 53Z99, cs.CV, cs.NA, math.NA パーマリンク