Iterative CT Reconstruction via Latent Variable Optimization of Shallow Diffusion Models


本研究では、ノイズ除去拡散確率モデルと反復 CT 再構成を組み合わせた新しい CT 再構成手法を提案します。
1/10 ビュー投影データのスパースビュー CT 再構成を通じて提案手法の有効性を実証します。
また、同じトレーニング済み拡散モデルを使用した 1/20 ビュー投影データを使用して、さらにスパース ビュー CT を探索します。
反復回数が増加するにつれて、1/10 スパースビュー CT 再構成に匹敵​​する画質の向上が達成されます。
原理的には、提案された方法は CT だけでなく、MRI、PET、SPECT などの他の画像モダリティにも広く適用できます。


Image generative AI has garnered significant attention in recent years. In particular, the diffusion model, a core component of recent generative AI, produces high-quality images with rich diversity. In this study, we propose a novel CT reconstruction method by combining the denoising diffusion probabilistic model with iterative CT reconstruction. In sharp contrast to previous studies, we optimize the fidelity loss of CT reconstruction with respect to the latent variable of the diffusion model, instead of the image and model parameters. To suppress anatomical structure changes produced by the diffusion model, we shallow the diffusion and reverse processes, and fix a set of added noises in the reverse process to make it deterministic during inference. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method through sparse view CT reconstruction of 1/10 view projection data. Despite the simplicity of the implementation, the proposed method shows the capability of reconstructing high-quality images while preserving the patient’s anatomical structure, and outperforms existing methods including iterative reconstruction, iterative reconstruction with total variation, and the diffusion model alone in terms of quantitative indices such as SSIM and PSNR. We also explore further sparse view CT using 1/20 view projection data with the same trained diffusion model. As the number of iterations increases, image quality improvement comparable to that of 1/10 sparse view CT reconstruction is achieved. In principle, the proposed method can be widely applied not only to CT but also to other imaging modalities such as MRI, PET, and SPECT.


著者 Sho Ozaki,Shizuo Kaji,Toshikazu Imae,Kanabu Nawa,Hideomi Yamashita,Keiichi Nakagawa
発行日 2024-08-06 12:55:17+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.LG, パーマリンク