AI-Driven Strategies for Reducing Student Withdrawal — A Study of EMU Student Stopout


2013 年 12 月時点では、ある程度の大学教育を受けているものの学位を持たない人が 2,900 万人いました。
National Student Clearinghouse Research Center の新しいレポートによると、その数は 2018 年 12 月までに 3,600 万人に急増しました[1]。
イースタンミシガン大学 (EMU) は、学部生の約 55% が 6 年以内に学位を取得できず、学生維持において大きな課題に直面しています。
学生の成功に尽力する教育機関として、EMU は影響要因を理解するために学生の退学に関する包括的な調査を実施しました。


Not everyone who enrolls in college will leave with a certificate or degree, but the number of people who drop out or take a break is much higher than experts previously believed. In December 2013, there were 29 million people with some college education but no degree. That number jumped to 36 million by December of 2018, according to a new report from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center[1]. It is imperative to understand the underlying factors contributing to student withdrawal and to assist decision-makers to identify effective strategies to prevent it. By analyzing the characteristics and educational pathways of the stopout student population, our aim is to provide actionable insights that can benefit institutions facing similar challenges. Eastern Michigan University (EMU) faces significant challenges in student retention, with approximately 55% of its undergraduate students not completing their degrees within six years. As an institution committed to student success, EMU conducted a comprehensive study of student withdrawals to understand the influencing factors. And the paper revealed a high correlation between certain factors and withdrawals, even in the early stages of university attendance. Based on these findings, we developed a predictive model that employs artificial intelligence techniques to assess the potential risk that students abandon their studies. These models enable universities to implement early intervention strategies, support at-risk students, and improve overall higher education success.


著者 Yan Zhao,Amy Otteson
発行日 2024-08-05 16:15:31+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CY, cs.LG パーマリンク