Four-Axis Adaptive Fingers Hand for Object Insertion: FAAF Hand


これに対処する一般的なアプローチは、ハードウェアにコンプライアンス メカニズムを追加して、これらのエラーの一部を吸収および補償することです。
ただし、きめ細かい操作タスクの場合、適切なコンプライアンス メカニズムの場所と選択が成功のために重要です。
当社は、4 つの軸 (x、y、z、ヨー) に受動的に適応できるフィンガーを備えた 4 軸アダプティブ フィンガー ハンド (FAAF ハンド) を開発しました。これにより、重大な位置特定エラーがある場合でも、蓋の取り付けを含む挿入タスクを実行できます。



Robots operating in the real world face significant but unavoidable issues in object localization that must be dealt with. A typical approach to address this is the addition of compliance mechanisms to hardware to absorb and compensate for some of these errors. However, for fine-grained manipulation tasks, the location and choice of appropriate compliance mechanisms are critical for success. For objects to be inserted in a target site on a flat surface, the object must first be successfully aligned with the opening of the slot, as well as correctly oriented along its central axis, before it can be inserted. We developed the Four-Axis Adaptive Finger Hand (FAAF hand) that is equipped with fingers that can passively adapt in four axes (x, y, z, yaw) enabling it to perform insertion tasks including lid fitting in the presence of significant localization errors. Furthermore, this adaptivity allows the use of simple control methods without requiring contact sensors or other devices. Our results confirm the ability of the FAAF hand on challenging insertion tasks of square and triangle-shaped pegs (or prisms) and placing of container lids in the presence of position errors in all directions and rotational error along the object’s central axis, using a simple control scheme.


著者 Naoki Fukaya,Koki Yamane,Shimpei Masuda,Avinash Ummadisingu,Shin-ichi Maeda,Kuniyuki Takahashi
発行日 2024-07-30 23:29:53+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク