Explainable Natural Language Processing for Corporate Sustainability Analysis


この目的を達成するために、Explainable Natural Language Processing (XNLP) は企業の持続可能性分析を大幅に強化できると主張します。
具体的には、言語理解アルゴリズム (語彙、意味、構文) を XAI 機能 (解釈可能性、説明可能性、忠実性) と統合することで、アナリストのリソースのギャップを埋め、データ内の主観性の問題を軽減できます。


Sustainability commonly refers to entities, such as individuals, companies, and institutions, having a non-detrimental (or even positive) impact on the environment, society, and the economy. With sustainability becoming a synonym of acceptable and legitimate behaviour, it is being increasingly demanded and regulated. Several frameworks and standards have been proposed to measure the sustainability impact of corporations, including United Nations’ sustainable development goals and the recently introduced global sustainability reporting framework, amongst others. However, the concept of corporate sustainability is complex due to the diverse and intricate nature of firm operations (i.e. geography, size, business activities, interlinks with other stakeholders). As a result, corporate sustainability assessments are plagued by subjectivity both within data that reflect corporate sustainability efforts (i.e. corporate sustainability disclosures) and the analysts evaluating them. This subjectivity can be distilled into distinct challenges, such as incompleteness, ambiguity, unreliability and sophistication on the data dimension, as well as limited resources and potential bias on the analyst dimension. Put together, subjectivity hinders effective cost attribution to entities non-compliant with prevailing sustainability expectations, potentially rendering sustainability efforts and its associated regulations futile. To this end, we argue that Explainable Natural Language Processing (XNLP) can significantly enhance corporate sustainability analysis. Specifically, linguistic understanding algorithms (lexical, semantic, syntactic), integrated with XAI capabilities (interpretability, explainability, faithfulness), can bridge gaps in analyst resources and mitigate subjectivity problems within data.


著者 Keane Ong,Rui Mao,Ranjan Satapathy,Ricardo Shirota Filho,Erik Cambria,Johan Sulaeman,Gianmarco Mengaldo
発行日 2024-07-31 02:35:37+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL, cs.CY パーマリンク