Learning Ordinality in Semantic Segmentation


セマンティック セグメンテーションは、各画像ピクセルのセマンティック ラベルを予測することで構成されます。
5 つの生物医学データセットと複数構成の自動運転データセットを使用して評価した場合、順序法では順序指標が大幅に改善され、Dice 係数が若干増加し、より順序一貫性の高いモデルが得られました。


Semantic segmentation consists of predicting a semantic label for each image pixel. Conventional deep learning models do not take advantage of ordinal relations that might exist in the domain at hand. For example, it is known that the pupil is inside the iris, and the lane markings are inside the road. Such domain knowledge can be employed as constraints to make the model more robust. The current literature on this topic has explored pixel-wise ordinal segmentation methods, which treat each pixel as an independent observation and promote ordinality in its representation. This paper proposes novel spatial ordinal segmentation methods, which take advantage of the structured image space by considering each pixel as an observation dependent on its neighborhood context to also promote ordinal spatial consistency. When evaluated with five biomedical datasets and multiple configurations of autonomous driving datasets, ordinal methods resulted in more ordinally-consistent models, with substantial improvements in ordinal metrics and some increase in the Dice coefficient. It was also shown that the incorporation of ordinal consistency results in models with better generalization abilities.


著者 Rafael Cristino,Ricardo P. M. Cruz,Jaime S. Cardoso
発行日 2024-07-30 16:36:15+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.LG パーマリンク