Investigating the Impact of Semi-Supervised Methods with Data Augmentation on Offensive Language Detection in Romanian Language


攻撃的な言語の検出は、オンライン プラットフォームが敬意を持って包括的な環境を維持することに取り組んでいる今日のデジタル環境において重要なタスクです。
具体的には、8 つの半教師あり手法を実装し、RO-Offense データセット内の利用可能なデータのみを使用して実験を実行し、データをモデルにフィードする前に 5 つの拡張手法を適用しました。


Offensive language detection is a crucial task in today’s digital landscape, where online platforms grapple with maintaining a respectful and inclusive environment. However, building robust offensive language detection models requires large amounts of labeled data, which can be expensive and time-consuming to obtain. Semi-supervised learning offers a feasible solution by utilizing labeled and unlabeled data to create more accurate and robust models. In this paper, we explore a few different semi-supervised methods, as well as data augmentation techniques. Concretely, we implemented eight semi-supervised methods and ran experiments for them using only the available data in the RO-Offense dataset and applying five augmentation techniques before feeding the data to the models. Experimental results demonstrate that some of them benefit more from augmentations than others.


著者 Elena Beatrice Nicola,Dumitru Clementin Cercel,Florin Pop
発行日 2024-07-29 15:02:51+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク