Every Part Matters: Integrity Verification of Scientific Figures Based on Multimodal Large Language Models


これをサポートするために、このタスクのために特別に設計された大規模データセットである Figure-seg を構築するための半自動手法を開発しました。
さらに、私たちは革新的なフレームワークである Every Part Matters (EPM) を提案します。これは、マルチモーダル大規模言語モデル (MLLM) を活用して、テキストと図の整合性の調整と検証を段階的に改善するだけでなく、類推推論を通じて整合性を強化します。


This paper tackles a key issue in the interpretation of scientific figures: the fine-grained alignment of text and figures. It advances beyond prior research that primarily dealt with straightforward, data-driven visualizations such as bar and pie charts and only offered a basic understanding of diagrams through captioning and classification. We introduce a novel task, Figure Integrity Verification, designed to evaluate the precision of technologies in aligning textual knowledge with visual elements in scientific figures. To support this, we develop a semi-automated method for constructing a large-scale dataset, Figure-seg, specifically designed for this task. Additionally, we propose an innovative framework, Every Part Matters (EPM), which leverages Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) to not only incrementally improve the alignment and verification of text-figure integrity but also enhance integrity through analogical reasoning. Our comprehensive experiments show that these innovations substantially improve upon existing methods, allowing for more precise and thorough analysis of complex scientific figures. This progress not only enhances our understanding of multimodal technologies but also stimulates further research and practical applications across fields requiring the accurate interpretation of complex visual data.


著者 Xiang Shi,Jiawei Liu,Yinpeng Liu,Qikai Cheng,Wei Lu
発行日 2024-07-26 09:35:36+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.CV, cs.DL, cs.MM パーマリンク