Any four real numbers are on all fours with analogy


これは、人工知能と機械学習の応用における最近の進歩によって動機付けられており、類推の概念は、結果の推論、データの作成、さらには基本的に数値の集合 (ベクトル、ベクトル、
特に、増加する 4 つの正の実数は、固有の適切な累乗における類似であることを示します。


This work presents a formalization of analogy on numbers that relies on generalized means. It is motivated by recent advances in artificial intelligence and applications of machine learning, where the notion of analogy is used to infer results, create data and even as an assessment tool of object representations, or embeddings, that are basically collections of numbers (vectors, matrices, tensors). This extended analogy use asks for mathematical foundations and clear understanding of the notion of analogy between numbers. We propose a unifying view of analogies that relies on generalized means defined in terms of a power parameter. In particular, we show that any four increasing positive real numbers is an analogy in a unique suitable power. In addition, we show that any such analogy can be reduced to an equivalent arithmetic analogy and that any analogical equation has a solution for increasing numbers, which generalizes without restriction to complex numbers. These foundational results provide a better understanding of analogies in areas where representations are numerical.


著者 Yves Lepage,Miguel Couceiro
発行日 2024-07-26 14:30:35+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: 68Txx, cs.AI パーマリンク