Trackastra: Transformer-based cell tracking for live-cell microscopy


自然画像の複数オブジェクト追跡 (MOT) とは異なり、細胞追跡には通常、フレームごとに分裂する可能性のある何百もの類似したオブジェクトが含まれるため、特に困難な問題になります。
ここでは、単純なトランスフォーマー アーキテクチャを使用して、注釈付きデータから時間ウィンドウ内のセルのペアごとの関連付けを直接学習する汎用セル追跡アプローチである Trackastra を提案します。
コードは で提供されています。


Cell tracking is a ubiquitous image analysis task in live-cell microscopy. Unlike multiple object tracking (MOT) for natural images, cell tracking typically involves hundreds of similar-looking objects that can divide in each frame, making it a particularly challenging problem. Current state-of-the-art approaches follow the tracking-by-detection paradigm, i.e. first all cells are detected per frame and successively linked in a second step to form biologically consistent cell tracks. Linking is commonly solved via discrete optimization methods, which require manual tuning of hyperparameters for each dataset and are therefore cumbersome to use in practice. Here we propose Trackastra, a general purpose cell tracking approach that uses a simple transformer architecture to directly learn pairwise associations of cells within a temporal window from annotated data. Importantly, unlike existing transformer-based MOT pipelines, our learning architecture also accounts for dividing objects such as cells and allows for accurate tracking even with simple greedy linking, thus making strides towards removing the requirement for a complex linking step. The proposed architecture operates on the full spatio-temporal context of detections within a time window by avoiding the computational burden of processing dense images. We show that our tracking approach performs on par with or better than highly tuned state-of-the-art cell tracking algorithms for various biological datasets, such as bacteria, cell cultures and fluorescent particles. We provide code at


著者 Benjamin Gallusser,Martin Weigert
発行日 2024-07-24 13:17:10+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク