Psychomatics — A Multidisciplinary Framework for Understanding Artificial Minds


LLM やその他の人工知能システムは、概念学習や言語習得など、人間と同様の認知スキルを示しますが、情報を処理する方法は生物学的認知とは根本的に異なります。
これは、LLM がどのように情報を取得、学習、記憶し、使用して出力を生成するかに特に焦点を当て、LLM の高レベルの機能をより深く理解することを目的としています。
– LLM と生物学的システムとの間の類似点を描く。
私たちの分析は、LLM がトレーニング データ内の複雑な言語パターンをどのようにマッピングして操作できるかを示しています。
さらに、LLM はグライスの協力原則に従って、関連性のある有益な応答を提供できます。
さらに、サイコマティクスは、LLM と人間の認知プロセスとの類似点を描くことで、より堅牢で人間に似た AI システムの開発に情報を提供できます。


Although LLMs and other artificial intelligence systems demonstrate cognitive skills similar to humans, like concept learning and language acquisition, the way they process information fundamentally differs from biological cognition. To better understand these differences this paper introduces Psychomatics, a multidisciplinary framework bridging cognitive science, linguistics, and computer science. It aims to better understand the high-level functioning of LLMs, focusing specifically on how LLMs acquire, learn, remember, and use information to produce their outputs. To achieve this goal, Psychomatics will rely on a comparative methodology, starting from a theory-driven research question – is the process of language development and use different in humans and LLMs? – drawing parallels between LLMs and biological systems. Our analysis shows how LLMs can map and manipulate complex linguistic patterns in their training data. Moreover, LLMs can follow Grice’s Cooperative Principle to provide relevant and informative responses. However, human cognition draws from multiple sources of meaning, including experiential, emotional, and imaginative facets, which transcend mere language processing and are rooted in our social and developmental trajectories. Moreover, current LLMs lack physical embodiment, reducing their ability to make sense of the intricate interplay between perception, action, and cognition that shapes human understanding and expression. Ultimately, Psychomatics holds the potential to yield transformative insights into the nature of language, cognition, and intelligence, both artificial and biological. Moreover, by drawing parallels between LLMs and human cognitive processes, Psychomatics can inform the development of more robust and human-like AI systems.


著者 Giuseppe Riva,Fabrizia Mantovani,Brenda K. Wiederhold,Antonella Marchetti,Andrea Gaggioli
発行日 2024-07-23 12:53:41+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL パーマリンク