Walk along: An Experiment on Controlling the Mobile Robot ‘Spot’ with Voice and Gestures


この研究では、移動ロボットを制御するための 2 つのハンズフリー方法、音声制御とジェスチャー制御を比較しました。
2×2 の被験者内デザインで、218 人の参加者が 90 度の回転と前方歩行コマンドを使用して四足歩行ロボット Spot を誘導しました。
各試行の後、参加者はコマンド マッピングの直観性を評価し、実験後のインタビューは参加者の好みを収集するために使用されました。
それにもかかわらず、参加者の 29% はジェスチャー コントロールを好み、その理由としてタスクへの取り組みと視覚的な一致を挙げました。


Robots are becoming increasingly intelligent and can autonomously perform tasks such as navigating between locations. However, human oversight remains crucial. This study compared two hands-free methods for directing mobile robots: voice control and gesture control. These methods were tested with the human stationary and walking freely. We hypothesized that walking with the robot would lead to higher intuitiveness ratings and better task performance due to increased stimulus-response compatibility, assuming humans align themselves with the robot. In a 2×2 within-subject design, 218 participants guided the quadrupedal robot Spot using 90 degrees rotation and walk-forward commands. After each trial, participants rated the intuitiveness of the command mapping, while post-experiment interviews were used to gather the participants’ preferences. Results showed that voice control combined with walking with Spot was the most favored and intuitive, while gesture control while standing caused confusion for left/right commands. Despite this, 29% of participants preferred gesture control, citing task engagement and visual congruence as reasons. An odometry-based analysis revealed that participants aligned behind Spot, particularly in the gesture control condition, when allowed to walk. In conclusion, voice control with walking produced the best outcomes. Improving physical ergonomics and adjusting gesture types could improve the effectiveness of gesture control.


著者 Renchi Zhang,Jesse van der Linden,Dimitra Dodou,Harleigh Seyffert,Yke Bauke Eisma,Joost C. F. de Winter
発行日 2024-07-17 07:48:45+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.HC, cs.RO パーマリンク