GV-Bench: Benchmarking Local Feature Matching for Geometric Verification of Long-term Loop Closure Detection


視覚ループ閉鎖検出は、現在のカメラ観察を以前に訪問した場所と関連付けるための視覚同時位置特定およびマッピング (SLAM) における重要なモジュールです。
ループ クロージャは、軌道推定のドリフトを修正して、グローバルに一貫したマップを構築します。
さらに、ベンチマークに基づいて 6 つの代表的な局所特徴マッチング手法 (手作りおよび学習ベース) を評価し、限界と将来の方向性について詳細な分析を行います。


Visual loop closure detection is an important module in visual simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), which associates current camera observation with previously visited places. Loop closures correct drifts in trajectory estimation to build a globally consistent map. However, a false loop closure can be fatal, so verification is required as an additional step to ensure robustness by rejecting the false positive loops. Geometric verification has been a well-acknowledged solution that leverages spatial clues provided by local feature matching to find true positives. Existing feature matching methods focus on homography and pose estimation in long-term visual localization, lacking references for geometric verification. To fill the gap, this paper proposes a unified benchmark targeting geometric verification of loop closure detection under long-term conditional variations. Furthermore, we evaluate six representative local feature matching methods (handcrafted and learning-based) under the benchmark, with in-depth analysis for limitations and future directions.


著者 Jingwen Yu,Hanjing Ye,Jianhao Jiao,Ping Tan,Hong Zhang
発行日 2024-07-17 01:46:29+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.RO パーマリンク