SQ-LLaVA: Self-Questioning for Large Vision-Language Assistant


ただし、事前トレーニングされたビジョン エンコーダーと大規模言語モデル (LLM) の間のギャップを埋めることが、ネットワーク全体のボトルネックになります。
このようにして、SQ-LLaVA: Self-Questioning for Large Vision-Language Assistant という新しいフレームワークを導入します。
SQ-LLaVA は、視覚的な手がかりと事前の言語知識を分析しながら、柔軟で意味のある画像関連の質問を生成する能力を示し、一般化された視覚的理解の高度なレベルを示します。
さらに、高品質の命令データに基づいて SQ-LLaVA を微調整すると、従来の視覚的命令の調整方法と比較してパフォーマンスの向上が見られます。


Recent advances in vision-language models have shown notable generalization in broad tasks through visual instruction tuning. However, bridging the gap between the pre-trained vision encoder and the large language models (LLMs) becomes the whole network’s bottleneck. To improve cross-modality alignment, existing works usually consider more visual instruction data covering a broader range of vision tasks to fine-tune the model for question-answering, which, however, is costly to obtain and has not thoroughly explored the rich contextual information contained in images. This paper first attempts to harness the overlooked context within visual instruction data, training the model to self-supervised ‘learning’ how to ask high-quality questions. In this way, we introduce a novel framework named SQ-LLaVA: Self-Questioning for Large Vision-Language Assistant. SQ-LLaVA exhibits proficiency in generating flexible and meaningful image-related questions while analyzing the visual clue and prior language knowledge, signifying an advanced level of generalized visual understanding. Moreover, fine-tuning SQ-LLaVA on higher-quality instruction data shows a performance improvement compared with traditional visual-instruction tuning methods. This improvement highlights the efficacy of self-questioning techniques in achieving a deeper and more nuanced comprehension of visual content across various contexts.


著者 Guohao Sun,Can Qin,Jiamian Wang,Zeyuan Chen,Ran Xu,Zhiqiang Tao
発行日 2024-07-15 17:37:11+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.CV, cs.LG パーマリンク