The Effectiveness of Curvature-Based Rewiring and the Role of Hyperparameters in GNNs Revisited


メッセージ パッシングは、グラフ ニューラル ネットワーク (GNN) の主要なパラダイムです。
ただし、メッセージ パッシングの効率は、グラフのトポロジによって制限される可能性があります。
続いて、これらのデータセットの SOTA 精度が、一貫したパフォーマンスの向上ではなく、ハイパーパラメーター (トレーニング用のパラメーターと再配線アルゴリズムに関連する専用のパラメーターの両方) のスイープに起因する外れ値であることを示します。
結論として、私たちの分析は、実世界のデータセットにおける曲率ベースの再配線の有効性を微妙に決定し、GNN の精度向上を評価する方法に新しい視点をもたらしました。


Message passing is the dominant paradigm in Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). The efficiency of message passing, however, can be limited by the topology of the graph. This happens when information is lost during propagation due to being oversquashed when travelling through bottlenecks. To remedy this, recent efforts have focused on graph rewiring techniques, which disconnect the input graph originating from the data and the computational graph, on which message passing is performed. A prominent approach for this is to use discrete graph curvature measures, of which several variants have been proposed, to identify and rewire around bottlenecks, facilitating information propagation. While oversquashing has been demonstrated in synthetic datasets, in this work we reevaluate the performance gains that curvature-based rewiring brings to real-world datasets. We show that in these datasets, edges selected during the rewiring process are not in line with theoretical criteria identifying bottlenecks. This implies they do not necessarily oversquash information during message passing. Subsequently, we demonstrate that SOTA accuracies on these datasets are outliers originating from sweeps of hyperparameters — both the ones for training and dedicated ones related to the rewiring algorithm — instead of consistent performance gains. In conclusion, our analysis nuances the effectiveness of curvature-based rewiring in real-world datasets and brings a new perspective on the methods to evaluate GNN accuracy improvements.


著者 Floriano Tori,Vincent Holst,Vincent Ginis
発行日 2024-07-12 16:03:58+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG パーマリンク