WayveScenes101: A Dataset and Benchmark for Novel View Synthesis in Autonomous Driving


WayveScenes101 は、ジオメトリとテクスチャが変化する多くの動的で変形可能な要素を含む、挑戦的な運転シーンに焦点を当てた、新しいビュー合成におけるコミュニティの最先端技術の進歩を支援するために設計されたデータセットです。
このデータセットは、幅広い環境条件と運転シナリオにわたる 101 の運転シーンで構成されています。
RAW 画像とともに、COLMAP から派生したカメラポーズが標準データ形式で含まれています。
データセットとコードは https://github.com/wayveai/wayve_scenes で入手できます。


We present WayveScenes101, a dataset designed to help the community advance the state of the art in novel view synthesis that focuses on challenging driving scenes containing many dynamic and deformable elements with changing geometry and texture. The dataset comprises 101 driving scenes across a wide range of environmental conditions and driving scenarios. The dataset is designed for benchmarking reconstructions on in-the-wild driving scenes, with many inherent challenges for scene reconstruction methods including image glare, rapid exposure changes, and highly dynamic scenes with significant occlusion. Along with the raw images, we include COLMAP-derived camera poses in standard data formats. We propose an evaluation protocol for evaluating models on held-out camera views that are off-axis from the training views, specifically testing the generalisation capabilities of methods. Finally, we provide detailed metadata for all scenes, including weather, time of day, and traffic conditions, to allow for a detailed model performance breakdown across scene characteristics. Dataset and code are available at https://github.com/wayveai/wayve_scenes.


著者 Jannik Zürn,Paul Gladkov,Sofía Dudas,Fergal Cotter,Sofi Toteva,Jamie Shotton,Vasiliki Simaiaki,Nikhil Mohan
発行日 2024-07-11 08:29:45+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.GR, cs.RO パーマリンク