Tamil Language Computing: the Present and the Future


言語コンピューティングは、音声認識、機械翻訳、感情分析、テキスト要約、言語モデリングなどのタスクに焦点を当て、言語学、コンピューター サイエンス、認知心理学などの分野を統合して、意味のある人間とコンピューターのインタラクションを作成します。
この論文では、言語コンピューティングの状況を調査する際に、タミル語が ASCII から Unicode に移行してデジタル コミュニケーションを強化するエンコーディングなどの基礎的な作業に重点を置いています。


This paper delves into the text processing aspects of Language Computing, which enables computers to understand, interpret, and generate human language. Focusing on tasks such as speech recognition, machine translation, sentiment analysis, text summarization, and language modelling, language computing integrates disciplines including linguistics, computer science, and cognitive psychology to create meaningful human-computer interactions. Recent advancements in deep learning have made computers more accessible and capable of independent learning and adaptation. In examining the landscape of language computing, the paper emphasises foundational work like encoding, where Tamil transitioned from ASCII to Unicode, enhancing digital communication. It discusses the development of computational resources, including raw data, dictionaries, glossaries, annotated data, and computational grammars, necessary for effective language processing. The challenges of linguistic annotation, the creation of treebanks, and the training of large language models are also covered, emphasising the need for high-quality, annotated data and advanced language models. The paper underscores the importance of building practical applications for languages like Tamil to address everyday communication needs, highlighting gaps in current technology. It calls for increased research collaboration, digitization of historical texts, and fostering digital usage to ensure the comprehensive development of Tamil language processing, ultimately enhancing global communication and access to digital services.


著者 Kengatharaiyer Sarveswaran
発行日 2024-07-11 15:56:02+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク