How to beat a Bayesian adversary


ディープ ニューラル ネットワークやその他の最新の機械学習モデルは、敵対的な攻撃の影響を受けやすいことがよくあります。
結果として生じるベイジアン敵対的堅牢性問題は、通常の minmax 問題を緩和したものです。
この問題を解決するために、基礎となる学習問題に対応する勾配流を近似する連続時間粒子システムである Abram を提案します。
Abram を離散化する 2 つの方法について説明し、敵対的深層学習のベンチマーク実験におけるその適合性を示します。


Deep neural networks and other modern machine learning models are often susceptible to adversarial attacks. Indeed, an adversary may often be able to change a model’s prediction through a small, directed perturbation of the model’s input – an issue in safety-critical applications. Adversarially robust machine learning is usually based on a minmax optimisation problem that minimises the machine learning loss under maximisation-based adversarial attacks. In this work, we study adversaries that determine their attack using a Bayesian statistical approach rather than maximisation. The resulting Bayesian adversarial robustness problem is a relaxation of the usual minmax problem. To solve this problem, we propose Abram – a continuous-time particle system that shall approximate the gradient flow corresponding to the underlying learning problem. We show that Abram approximates a McKean-Vlasov process and justify the use of Abram by giving assumptions under which the McKean-Vlasov process finds the minimiser of the Bayesian adversarial robustness problem. We discuss two ways to discretise Abram and show its suitability in benchmark adversarial deep learning experiments.


著者 Zihan Ding,Kexin Jin,Jonas Latz,Chenguang Liu
発行日 2024-07-11 17:12:42+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: 65C35, 68T07, 90C15, cs.LG, math.OC, stat.CO, stat.ML パーマリンク