Mitigating Bias in Dataset Distillation


データセット蒸留は、大規模なデータセットをより小さな合成データセットに圧縮し、下流のトレーニング タスクを容易にする手法として登場しました。
特に、バイアス競合比が 5% で IPC 50 の CMNIST では、私たちの方法は、バニラ DM の 23.8% と比較して 91.5% のテスト精度を達成し、パフォーマンスを 67.7% 向上させます。
同じデータセットでは 53.7% の精度しか達成できません。


Dataset Distillation has emerged as a technique for compressing large datasets into smaller synthetic counterparts, facilitating downstream training tasks. In this paper, we study the impact of bias inside the original dataset on the performance of dataset distillation. With a comprehensive empirical evaluation on canonical datasets with color, corruption and background biases, we found that color and background biases in the original dataset will be amplified through the distillation process, resulting in a notable decline in the performance of models trained on the distilled dataset, while corruption bias is suppressed through the distillation process. To reduce bias amplification in dataset distillation, we introduce a simple yet highly effective approach based on a sample reweighting scheme utilizing kernel density estimation. Empirical results on multiple real-world and synthetic datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Notably, on CMNIST with 5% bias-conflict ratio and IPC 50, our method achieves 91.5% test accuracy compared to 23.8% from vanilla DM, boosting the performance by 67.7%, whereas applying state-of-the-art debiasing method on the same dataset only achieves 53.7% accuracy. Our findings highlight the importance of addressing biases in dataset distillation and provide a promising avenue to address bias amplification in the process.


著者 Justin Cui,Ruochen Wang,Yuanhao Xiong,Cho-Jui Hsieh
発行日 2024-07-10 17:58:14+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV, cs.LG パーマリンク