Disentangled Representation Learning through Geometry Preservation with the Gromov-Monge Gap


具体的には、異なる空間でサポートされる分布間の等角写像を求める Gromov-Monge 設定で問題を定式化します。
我々は、異なる空間でサポートされる 2 つの分布間の任意のプッシュフォワード マップの幾何学的保存を定量化する正則化装置である Gromov-Monge-Gap (GMG) を提案します。
4 つの標準ベンチマークで、もつれを解くための GMG 正則化の有効性を実証します。


Learning disentangled representations in an unsupervised manner is a fundamental challenge in machine learning. Solving it may unlock other problems, such as generalization, interpretability, or fairness. While remarkably difficult to solve in general, recent works have shown that disentanglement is provably achievable under additional assumptions that can leverage geometrical constraints, such as local isometry. To use these insights, we propose a novel perspective on disentangled representation learning built on quadratic optimal transport. Specifically, we formulate the problem in the Gromov-Monge setting, which seeks isometric mappings between distributions supported on different spaces. We propose the Gromov-Monge-Gap (GMG), a regularizer that quantifies the geometry-preservation of an arbitrary push-forward map between two distributions supported on different spaces. We demonstrate the effectiveness of GMG regularization for disentanglement on four standard benchmarks. Moreover, we show that geometry preservation can even encourage unsupervised disentanglement without the standard reconstruction objective – making the underlying model decoder-free, and promising a more practically viable and scalable perspective on unsupervised disentanglement.


著者 Théo Uscidda,Luca Eyring,Karsten Roth,Fabian Theis,Zeynep Akata,Marco Cuturi
発行日 2024-07-10 16:51:32+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.LG, stat.ML パーマリンク