Perceive With Confidence: Statistical Safety Assurances for Navigation with Learning-Based Perception


その結果として得られたアプローチである Perceive with Confidence (PwC) をシミュレーションとハードウェア上で評価し、四足ロボットがこれまで見たことのない屋内の静的環境をナビゲートします。
これらの実験は、PwC が提供する障害物回避の安全保証を検証し、ベースラインと比較して経験的安全性が最大 $40\%$ 向上することを実証します。


Rapid advances in perception have enabled large pre-trained models to be used out of the box for transforming high-dimensional, noisy, and partial observations of the world into rich occupancy representations. However, the reliability of these models and consequently their safe integration onto robots remains unknown when deployed in environments unseen during training. In this work, we address this challenge by rigorously quantifying the uncertainty of pre-trained perception systems for object detection via a novel calibration technique based on conformal prediction. Crucially, this procedure guarantees robustness to distribution shifts in states when perceptual outputs are used in conjunction with a planner. As a result, the calibrated perception system can be used in combination with any safe planner to provide an end-to-end statistical assurance on safety in unseen environments. We evaluate the resulting approach, Perceive with Confidence (PwC), in simulation and on hardware where a quadruped robot navigates through previously unseen indoor, static environments. These experiments validate the safety assurances for obstacle avoidance provided by PwC and demonstrate up to $40\%$ improvements in empirical safety compared to baselines.


著者 Anushri Dixit,Zhiting Mei,Meghan Booker,Mariko Storey-Matsutani,Allen Z. Ren,Anirudha Majumdar
発行日 2024-07-09 01:21:56+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO, cs.SY, eess.SY パーマリンク