Vision-Braille: An End-to-End Tool for Chinese Braille Image-to-Text Translation


このプロジェクトでは、点字から漢字への変換のためのエンコーダ/デコーダ アーキテクチャを使用して mT5 モデルを有益に微調整しました。
この研究では、ライプツィヒ コーポラから点字と対応する中国語テキストのトレーニング セットを作成しました。
このプロジェクトは点字の混乱を大幅に軽減し、カリキュラム学習の微調整方法により、検証セットとテストセットで 62.4 ドルと 62.3 ドルの BLEU スコアを達成しました。


Visually impaired people are a large group who can only use braille for reading and writing. However, the lack of special educational resources is the bottleneck for educating them. Educational equity is a reflection of the level of social civilization, cultural equality, and individual dignity. Facilitating and improving lifelong learning channels for the visually impaired is of great significance. Their written braille homework or exam papers cannot be understood by sighted teachers, because of the lack of a highly accurate braille translation system, especially in Chinese which has tone marks. braille writers often omit tone marks to save space, leading to confusion when braille with the same consonants and vowels is translated into Chinese. Previous algorithms were insufficient in extracting contextual information, resulting in low accuracy of braille translations into Chinese. This project informatively fine-tuned the mT5 model with an Encoder-decoder architecture for braille to Chinese character conversion. This research created a training set of braille and corresponding Chinese text from the Leipzig Corpora. This project significantly reduced the confusion in braille, achieving $62.4$ and $62.3$ BLEU scores in the validation and test sets, with a curriculum learning fine-tuning method. By incorporating the braille recognition algorithm, this project is the first publicly available braille translation system and can benefit lots of visually impaired students and families who are preparing for the Chinese College Test and help to propel their college dreams in the future. There is a demo on our homepage\footnote{\url{}}.


著者 Alan Wu,Ye Yuan,Ming Zhang
発行日 2024-07-08 15:51:37+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク