Potential Based Diffusion Motion Planning


従来の動作計画アルゴリズムの 1 つのクラスは、電位ベースの動作計画に対応します。
ただし、ポテンシャルからモーション パスを構築するには、構成空間のポテンシャル ランドスケープ全体にわたるグローバルな最適化を解決する必要があり、これは多くの場合極小値になる傾向があります。


Effective motion planning in high dimensional spaces is a long-standing open problem in robotics. One class of traditional motion planning algorithms corresponds to potential-based motion planning. An advantage of potential based motion planning is composability — different motion constraints can be easily combined by adding corresponding potentials. However, constructing motion paths from potentials requires solving a global optimization across configuration space potential landscape, which is often prone to local minima. We propose a new approach towards learning potential based motion planning, where we train a neural network to capture and learn an easily optimizable potentials over motion planning trajectories. We illustrate the effectiveness of such approach, significantly outperforming both classical and recent learned motion planning approaches and avoiding issues with local minima. We further illustrate its inherent composability, enabling us to generalize to a multitude of different motion constraints.


著者 Yunhao Luo,Chen Sun,Joshua B. Tenenbaum,Yilun Du
発行日 2024-07-08 17:48:39+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.LG, cs.RO パーマリンク