Muzzle-Based Cattle Identification System Using Artificial Intelligence (AI)


この目的のために、826 頭の牛から 32,374 枚の画像を収集しました。
前処理ステップでは、画像からノイズを除去するために、鮮明化フィルターを使用したコントラスト制限適応ヒストグラム等化 (CLAHE) が適用されました。
画像内の牛の口輪検出には YOLO アルゴリズムを使用し、$L_2$ 距離の 2 乗を使用して銃口画像から統合埋め込みを学習するために FaceNet アーキテクチャを使用しました。
私たちのシステムは、精度 $96.489\%$、$F_1$ スコア $97.334\%$、真陽性率 (tpr) $87.993\%$、著しく低い偽陽性率 (fpr) $0.098\%$ で実行されます。



Absence of tamper-proof cattle identification technology was a significant problem preventing insurance companies from providing livestock insurance. This lack of technology had devastating financial consequences for marginal farmers as they did not have the opportunity to claim compensation for any unexpected events such as the accidental death of cattle in Bangladesh. Using machine learning and deep learning algorithms, we have solved the bottleneck of cattle identification by developing and introducing a muzzle-based cattle identification system. The uniqueness of cattle muzzles has been scientifically established, which resembles human fingerprints. This is the fundamental premise that prompted us to develop a cattle identification system that extracts the uniqueness of cattle muzzles. For this purpose, we collected 32,374 images from 826 cattle. Contrast-limited adaptive histogram equalization (CLAHE) with sharpening filters was applied in the preprocessing steps to remove noise from images. We used the YOLO algorithm for cattle muzzle detection in the image and the FaceNet architecture to learn unified embeddings from muzzle images using squared $L_2$ distances. Our system performs with an accuracy of $96.489\%$, $F_1$ score of $97.334\%$, and a true positive rate (tpr) of $87.993\%$ at a remarkably low false positive rate (fpr) of $0.098\%$. This reliable and efficient system for identifying cattle can significantly advance livestock insurance and precision farming.


著者 Hasan Zohirul Islam,Safayet Khan,Sanjib Kumar Paul,Sheikh Imtiaz Rahi,Fahim Hossain Sifat,Md. Mahadi Hasan Sany,Md. Shahjahan Ali Sarker,Tareq Anam,Ismail Hossain Polas
発行日 2024-07-08 16:36:55+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク