Multi-View Black-Box Physical Attacks on Infrared Pedestrian Detectors Using Adversarial Infrared Grid


これらの問題に対処するために、グリッド形式で摂動をモデル化し、ブラックボックス最適化に遺伝的アルゴリズムを使用する Adversarial Infrared Grid (AdvGrid) を提案します。
広範な実験により、AdvGrid の有効性、ステルス性、堅牢性が検証されています。
この手法は、デジタル環境では 80.00%、物理環境では 91.86% の攻撃成功率を達成し、ベースライン手法を上回ります。
さらに、平均攻撃成功率は主流の検出器に対して 50\% を超えており、AdvGrid の堅牢性が実証されています。


While extensive research exists on physical adversarial attacks within the visible spectrum, studies on such techniques in the infrared spectrum are limited. Infrared object detectors are vital in modern technological applications but are susceptible to adversarial attacks, posing significant security threats. Previous studies using physical perturbations like light bulb arrays and aerogels for white-box attacks, or hot and cold patches for black-box attacks, have proven impractical or limited in multi-view support. To address these issues, we propose the Adversarial Infrared Grid (AdvGrid), which models perturbations in a grid format and uses a genetic algorithm for black-box optimization. These perturbations are cyclically applied to various parts of a pedestrian’s clothing to facilitate multi-view black-box physical attacks on infrared pedestrian detectors. Extensive experiments validate AdvGrid’s effectiveness, stealthiness, and robustness. The method achieves attack success rates of 80.00\% in digital environments and 91.86\% in physical environments, outperforming baseline methods. Additionally, the average attack success rate exceeds 50\% against mainstream detectors, demonstrating AdvGrid’s robustness. Our analyses include ablation studies, transfer attacks, and adversarial defenses, confirming the method’s superiority.


著者 Kalibinuer Tiliwalidi,Chengyin Hu,Weiwen Shi
発行日 2024-07-08 14:17:26+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV パーマリンク