Time-optimal Flight in Cluttered Environments via Safe Reinforcement Learning


さらに、実験結果は、複雑な環境における最小飛行時間と障害物回避目標の両方を達成する際の提案されたアプローチの有効性を実証しており、目に見えない困難な設定において賞賛に値する $66.7\%$ の成功率を示しています。


This paper addresses the problem of guiding a quadrotor through a predefined sequence of waypoints in cluttered environments, aiming to minimize the flight time while avoiding collisions. Previous approaches either suffer from prolonged computational time caused by solving complex non-convex optimization problems or are limited by the inherent smoothness of polynomial trajectory representations, thereby restricting the flexibility of movement. In this work, we present a safe reinforcement learning approach for autonomous drone racing with time-optimal flight in cluttered environments. The reinforcement learning policy, trained using safety and terminal rewards specifically designed to enforce near time-optimal and collision-free flight, outperforms current state-of-the-art algorithms. Additionally, experimental results demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach in achieving both minimum flight time and obstacle avoidance objectives in complex environments, with a commendable $66.7\%$ success rate in unseen, challenging settings.


著者 Wei Xiao,Zhaohan Feng,Ziyu Zhou,Jian Sun,Gang Wang,Jie Chen
発行日 2024-06-28 04:21:40+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク