On the Trade-off between Flatness and Optimization in Distributed Learning


この研究により、2 つの興味深い結果が発見されました。
第 2 に、これが重要なことですが、最終的な分類精度は、局所最小化関数の平坦性だけに依存するのではなく、学習アルゴリズムがその最小値にどれだけうまく近づくことができるかにも依存します。
この論文では、平坦性と最適化誤差の 2 つの尺度間の相互作用を詳しく調べています。
重要な結論の 1 つは、拡散タイプの分散戦略は平坦性と最適化パフォーマンスの間でより好ましいバランスをとるため、分類精度が向上するということです。


This paper proposes a theoretical framework to evaluate and compare the performance of gradient-descent algorithms for distributed learning in relation to their behavior around local minima in nonconvex environments. Previous works have noticed that convergence toward flat local minima tend to enhance the generalization ability of learning algorithms. This work discovers two interesting results. First, it shows that decentralized learning strategies are able to escape faster away from local minimizers and favor convergence toward flatter minima relative to the centralized solution in the large-batch training regime. Second, and importantly, the ultimate classification accuracy is not solely dependent on the flatness of the local minimizer but also on how well a learning algorithm can approach that minimum. In other words, the classification accuracy is a function of both flatness and optimization performance. The paper examines the interplay between the two measures of flatness and optimization error closely. One important conclusion is that decentralized strategies of the diffusion type deliver enhanced classification accuracy because it strikes a more favorable balance between flatness and optimization performance.


著者 Ying Cao,Zhaoxian Wu,Kun Yuan,Ali H. Sayed
発行日 2024-06-28 15:46:08+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG パーマリンク