DWARF: Disease-weighted network for attention map refinement


私たちは、専門家のフィードバックを活用してモデルの関連性と精度を向上させる、疾患重み付けアテンション マップ洗練ネットワーク (DWARF) を提案します。
このアプローチは、AI システムと医療専門家間の効果的なコラボレーションを促進し、最終的には患者の転帰の改善を目指します。


The interpretability of deep learning is crucial for evaluating the reliability of medical imaging models and reducing the risks of inaccurate patient recommendations. This study addresses the ‘human out of the loop’ and ‘trustworthiness’ issues in medical image analysis by integrating medical professionals into the interpretability process. We propose a disease-weighted attention map refinement network (DWARF) that leverages expert feedback to enhance model relevance and accuracy. Our method employs cyclic training to iteratively improve diagnostic performance, generating precise and interpretable feature maps. Experimental results demonstrate significant improvements in interpretability and diagnostic accuracy across multiple medical imaging datasets. This approach fosters effective collaboration between AI systems and healthcare professionals, ultimately aiming to improve patient outcomes


著者 Haozhe Luo,Aurélie Pahud de Mortanges,Oana Inel,Abraham Bernstein,Mauricio Reyes
発行日 2024-06-28 14:34:00+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク