Cost-aware Bayesian optimization via the Pandora’s Box Gittins index


パンドラの箱問題では、Gittins インデックスと呼ばれる式に基づくベイズ最適解が認められます。これは取得関数として再解釈できます。
私たちの研究は、Gittins 指数理論の手法をベイズ最適化に統合するための最初のステップを構成します。


Bayesian optimization is a technique for efficiently optimizing unknown functions in a black-box manner. To handle practical settings where gathering data requires use of finite resources, it is desirable to explicitly incorporate function evaluation costs into Bayesian optimization policies. To understand how to do so, we develop a previously-unexplored connection between cost-aware Bayesian optimization and the Pandora’s Box problem, a decision problem from economics. The Pandora’s Box problem admits a Bayesian-optimal solution based on an expression called the Gittins index, which can be reinterpreted as an acquisition function. We study the use of this acquisition function for cost-aware Bayesian optimization, and demonstrate empirically that it performs well, particularly in medium-high dimensions. We further show that this performance carries over to classical Bayesian optimization without explicit evaluation costs. Our work constitutes a first step towards integrating techniques from Gittins index theory into Bayesian optimization.


著者 Qian Xie,Raul Astudillo,Peter Frazier,Ziv Scully,Alexander Terenin
発行日 2024-06-28 17:20:13+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, stat.ML パーマリンク