Computational Life: How Well-formed, Self-replicating Programs Emerge from Simple Interaction


生命が出現するほとんどの基板に共通する特徴の 1 つは、自己複製が現れるときのダイナミクスの顕著な変化です。


The fields of Origin of Life and Artificial Life both question what life is and how it emerges from a distinct set of ‘pre-life’ dynamics. One common feature of most substrates where life emerges is a marked shift in dynamics when self-replication appears. While there are some hypotheses regarding how self-replicators arose in nature, we know very little about the general dynamics, computational principles, and necessary conditions for self-replicators to emerge. This is especially true on ‘computational substrates’ where interactions involve logical, mathematical, or programming rules. In this paper we take a step towards understanding how self-replicators arise by studying several computational substrates based on various simple programming languages and machine instruction sets. We show that when random, non self-replicating programs are placed in an environment lacking any explicit fitness landscape, self-replicators tend to arise. We demonstrate how this occurs due to random interactions and self-modification, and can happen with and without background random mutations. We also show how increasingly complex dynamics continue to emerge following the rise of self-replicators. Finally, we show a counterexample of a minimalistic programming language where self-replicators are possible, but so far have not been observed to arise.


著者 Blaise Agüera y Arcas,Jyrki Alakuijala,James Evans,Ben Laurie,Alexander Mordvintsev,Eyvind Niklasson,Ettore Randazzo,Luca Versari
発行日 2024-06-27 11:34:35+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.NE, F.2.2 パーマリンク