The Brain-Inspired Cooperative Shared Control for Brain-Machine Interface




In the practical application of brain-machine interface technology, the problem often faced is the low information content and high noise of the neural signals collected by the electrode and the difficulty of decoding by the decoder, which makes it difficult for the robotic to obtain stable instructions to complete the task. The idea based on the principle of cooperative shared control can be achieved by extracting general motor commands from brain activity, while the fine details of the movement can be hosted to the robot for completion, or the brain can have complete control. This study proposes a brain-machine interface shared control system based on spiking neural networks for robotic arm movement control and wheeled robots wheel speed control and steering, respectively. The former can reliably control the robotic arm to move to the destination position, while the latter controls the wheeled robots for object tracking and map generation. The results show that the shared control based on brain-inspired intelligence can perform some typical tasks in complex environments and positively improve the fluency and ease of use of brain-machine interaction, and also demonstrate the potential of this control method in clinical applications of brain-machine interfaces.


著者 Shengjie Zheng,Ling Liu,Junjie Yang,Lang Qian,Gang Gao,Xin Chen,Wenqi Jin,Chunshan Deng,Xiaojian Li
発行日 2024-06-25 19:35:40+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.HC, cs.RO, cs.SY, eess.SY パーマリンク