Uncovering Latent Memories: Assessing Data Leakage and Memorization Patterns in Large Language Models


繰り返しが記憶にどのような影響を与えるかを評価することで、トレーニング データの統計的特性がモデル内でエンコードされた記憶にどのような影響を与えるかを調査します。
これらの潜在的な記憶シーケンスの存在は、モデルの最終チェックポイントで隠蔽される可能性があるため、データ プライバシーにとって課題となります。


The proliferation of large language models has revolutionized natural language processing tasks, yet it raises profound concerns regarding data privacy and security. Language models are trained on extensive corpora including potentially sensitive or proprietary information, and the risk of data leakage — where the model response reveals pieces of such information — remains inadequately understood. This study examines susceptibility to data leakage by quantifying the phenomenon of memorization in machine learning models, focusing on the evolution of memorization patterns over training. We investigate how the statistical characteristics of training data influence the memories encoded within the model by evaluating how repetition influences memorization. We reproduce findings that the probability of memorizing a sequence scales logarithmically with the number of times it is present in the data. Furthermore, we find that sequences which are not apparently memorized after the first encounter can be uncovered throughout the course of training even without subsequent encounters. The presence of these latent memorized sequences presents a challenge for data privacy since they may be hidden at the final checkpoint of the model. To this end, we develop a diagnostic test for uncovering these latent memorized sequences by considering their cross entropy loss.


著者 Sunny Duan,Mikail Khona,Abhiram Iyer,Rylan Schaeffer,Ila R Fiete
発行日 2024-06-20 17:56:17+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.LG, q-bio.NC パーマリンク