Robustness Testing of Multi-Modal Models in Varied Home Environments for Assistive Robots


家事をサポートする支援ロボット エージェントの開発は進んでいますが、基礎となるモデルは現実世界の複雑さを反映していない仮想設定で動作することがよくあります。
私たちの進行中の研究では、AI2Thor 仮想環境で最先端のロボット モデルを評価しています。
私たちの目標は、Geriatronics コミュニティからの意見を集めて、実践者が直面する課題を理解し、モデル化することです。


The development of assistive robotic agents to support household tasks is advancing, yet the underlying models often operate in virtual settings that do not reflect real-world complexity. For assistive care robots to be effective in diverse environments, their models must be robust and integrate multiple modalities. Consider a caretaker needing assistance in a dimly lit room or navigating around a newly installed glass door. Models relying solely on visual input might fail in low light, while those using depth information could avoid the door. This demonstrates the necessity for models that can process various sensory inputs. Our ongoing study evaluates state-of-the-art robotic models in the AI2Thor virtual environment. We introduce disturbances, such as dimmed lighting and mirrored walls, to assess their impact on modalities like movement or vision, and object recognition. Our goal is to gather input from the Geriatronics community to understand and model the challenges faced by practitioners.


著者 Lea Hirlimann,Shengqiang Zhang,Hinrich Schütze,Philipp Wicke
発行日 2024-06-19 10:03:46+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク