Contextual Continuum Bandits: Static Versus Dynamic Regret


目標は、受信したコンテキストの基礎となるすべての機能を最小限に抑え、標準の静的なリグレスよりも強力な動的 (コンテキスト) リグレスの概念を実現することです。
最後に、2 つの重要な事実を示唆するミニマックスの下限を示します。
第 2 に、強く凸で滑らかな関数の場合、私たちが提案するアルゴリズムは、クエリ数の関数として動的リグレスの最小最適最適率を対数係数まで達成します。


We study the contextual continuum bandits problem, where the learner sequentially receives a side information vector and has to choose an action in a convex set, minimizing a function associated to the context. The goal is to minimize all the underlying functions for the received contexts, leading to a dynamic (contextual) notion of regret, which is stronger than the standard static regret. Assuming that the objective functions are H\’older with respect to the contexts, we demonstrate that any algorithm achieving a sub-linear static regret can be extended to achieve a sub-linear dynamic regret. We further study the case of strongly convex and smooth functions when the observations are noisy. Inspired by the interior point method and employing self-concordant barriers, we propose an algorithm achieving a sub-linear dynamic regret. Lastly, we present a minimax lower bound, implying two key facts. First, no algorithm can achieve sub-linear dynamic regret over functions that are not continuous with respect to the context. Second, for strongly convex and smooth functions, the algorithm that we propose achieves, up to a logarithmic factor, the minimax optimal rate of dynamic regret as a function of the number of queries.


著者 Arya Akhavan,Karim Lounici,Massimiliano Pontil,Alexandre B. Tsybakov
発行日 2024-06-20 16:47:04+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, math.ST, stat.ML, stat.TH パーマリンク