Mixed Strategy Nash Equilibrium for Crowd Navigation


私たちはアルゴリズムをベイズの規則ナッシュ均衡 (BRNE) と名付け、リアルタイム モデル予測群衆ナビゲーション フレームワークを開発します。
BRNE は汎用の混合戦略ナッシュ均衡を解くのではなく、群集ナビゲーションに特化した調整された式を解くため、低電力の組み込みコンピューター上でリアルタイムで解を計算できます。
私たちは、シミュレーション環境と現実世界の歩行者データセットの両方で BRNE を評価します。
BRNE は、安全性とナビゲーション効率に関して、非学習および学習ベースの方法よりも一貫して優れています。
また、歩行者データセットのベンチマークでは人間レベルの群衆ナビゲーション パフォーマンスにも達します。


Robots navigating in crowded areas should negotiate free space with humans rather than fully controlling collision avoidance, as this can lead to freezing behavior. Game theory provides a framework for the robot to reason about potential cooperation from humans for collision avoidance during path planning. In particular, the mixed strategy Nash equilibrium captures the negotiation behavior under uncertainty, making it well suited for crowd navigation. However, computing the mixed strategy Nash equilibrium is often prohibitively expensive for real-time decision-making. In this paper, we propose an iterative Bayesian update scheme over probability distributions of trajectories. The algorithm simultaneously generates a stochastic plan for the robot and probabilistic predictions of other pedestrians’ paths. We prove that the proposed algorithm is equivalent to solving a mixed strategy game for crowd navigation, and the algorithm guarantees the recovery of the global Nash equilibrium of the game. We name our algorithm Bayes’ Rule Nash Equilibrium (BRNE) and develop a real-time model prediction crowd navigation framework. Since BRNE is not solving a general-purpose mixed strategy Nash equilibrium but a tailored formula specifically for crowd navigation, it can compute the solution in real-time on a low-power embedded computer. We evaluate BRNE in both simulated environments and real-world pedestrian datasets. BRNE consistently outperforms non-learning and learning-based methods regarding safety and navigation efficiency. It also reaches human-level crowd navigation performance in the pedestrian dataset benchmark. Lastly, we demonstrate the practicality of our algorithm with real humans on an untethered quadruped robot with fully onboard perception and computation.


著者 Muchen Sun,Francesca Baldini,Katie Hughes,Peter Trautman,Todd Murphey
発行日 2024-06-17 04:05:29+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.GT, cs.LG, cs.RO パーマリンク