Exploring the Correlation between Human and Machine Evaluation of Simultaneous Speech Translation


この結果は、GPT モデル、特に直接プロンプトを備えた GPT-3.5 が、短いテキストセグメントを評価する場合でも、原文と訳文の意味上の類似性に関して人間の判断と最も強い相関関係を示していることを示唆しています。
さらに、この研究では、コンテキスト ウィンドウのサイズがこの相関関係に顕著な影響を与えていることが明らかになりました。


Assessing the performance of interpreting services is a complex task, given the nuanced nature of spoken language translation, the strategies that interpreters apply, and the diverse expectations of users. The complexity of this task become even more pronounced when automated evaluation methods are applied. This is particularly true because interpreted texts exhibit less linearity between the source and target languages due to the strategies employed by the interpreter. This study aims to assess the reliability of automatic metrics in evaluating simultaneous interpretations by analyzing their correlation with human evaluations. We focus on a particular feature of interpretation quality, namely translation accuracy or faithfulness. As a benchmark we use human assessments performed by language experts, and evaluate how well sentence embeddings and Large Language Models correlate with them. We quantify semantic similarity between the source and translated texts without relying on a reference translation. The results suggest GPT models, particularly GPT-3.5 with direct prompting, demonstrate the strongest correlation with human judgment in terms of semantic similarity between source and target texts, even when evaluating short textual segments. Additionally, the study reveals that the size of the context window has a notable impact on this correlation.


著者 Xiaoman Wang,Claudio Fantinuoli
発行日 2024-06-14 14:47:19+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク