Strategic Facility Location with Clients that Minimize Total Waiting Time


施設エージェントは、可能な限り多くの購買力を引き付けるために施設をオープンするためにグラフ上の場所を選択しますが、クライアント エージェントは、総待ち時間を最小限に抑えるために購買力を戦略的に配分することで、どの施設をひいきにするかを選択します。
それにもかかわらず、サブゲームの完全均衡はこのゲームのすべてのインスタンスに存在するわけではなく、その存在を NP で判断するのは難しいことを証明します。
良い面としては、3 つの近似サブゲームの完全均衡を計算するためのシンプルで効率的なアルゴリズムが提供されます。


We study a non-cooperative two-sided facility location game in which facilities and clients behave strategically. This is in contrast to many other facility location games in which clients simply visit their closest facility. Facility agents select a location on a graph to open a facility to attract as much purchasing power as possible, while client agents choose which facilities to patronize by strategically distributing their purchasing power in order to minimize their total waiting time. Here, the waiting time of a facility depends on its received total purchasing power. We show that our client stage is an atomic splittable congestion game, which implies existence, uniqueness and efficient computation of a client equilibrium. Therefore, facility agents can efficiently predict client behavior and make strategic decisions accordingly. Despite that, we prove that subgame perfect equilibria do not exist in all instances of this game and that their existence is NP-hard to decide. On the positive side, we provide a simple and efficient algorithm to compute 3-approximate subgame perfect equilibria.


著者 Simon Krogmann,Pascal Lenzner,Alexander Skopalik
発行日 2024-06-13 17:42:12+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.GT パーマリンク